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The 12 Apostles of Jesus

DanielBahng 2023.05.28 13:13 Views : 102

1. Peter

Peter may be the most well-known disciple.  Unlike many of the other disciples, most people can identify well with Peter.  Before being called to follow Jesus.  Peter, along with his brother Andrew, lived and worked as fisherman.  After his decision to follow Jesus, Peter quickly rises as a leader and is a part of Jesus' inmost circle.

After Jesus' resurrection Peter becomes a bold evangelist and missionary as one of the leaders of the early church.  He was known for his passion as well as the many miracles he performed in the name of Jesus.  Peter will always be remembered as a man who would often fail epically, but through God's race he would always recover with even more courage and integrity.  Peter is a great example of God's unending love for us, though we have many faults, God can overcome them and use us in mighty ways.

2. Andrew

Andrew was best known as being the brother of Peter, as well as being the first follower of Jesus to be identified by name.  Before following Jesus, Andrew was a fisherman and a follower of John the Baptist.  After being called by Jesus, Andrew left both his fishing business, as well as John the Baptist, in order to follow his beloved Savior.

One of the greatest qualities of Andrew was bringing people to Jesus.  Immediately after his calling, Andrew went to bring his brother Peter to meet Jesus.  Living with Peter all his life, Andrew must have known that Peter would soon take charge and leave Andrew in the shadows again.  But Andrew did not let his own shortcomings or insecurities stop him from sharing Jesus with others.

Andrew is also known for bring the boy with the two fish and five loaves of bread to Jesus.  Although he may have not known how it would happen, Andrew knew that his role was to bring people to Jesus and that Jesus would take care of the rest.  Andrew's life is a great testament for us today to remember that we must always go to Jesus.  Whether it is bringing people to Jesus or bringing our problems and concerns to Him, Andrew teaches us with God all things are possible.

3. James

James, also called James the Greater to distinguish him from the other disciple also named James, is best known as one of the "Sons of Thunder".  This was a nickname given to James, and his brother John, because of their zeal as they once wanted to call out fire from the sky to burn down a city who would not accept Jesus.  James was called by Jesus as he was mending his fishing nets on the coast of the sea of Galilee.

James, along with Peter and John, had the privilege of being a part of Jesus' inner circle.  this meant he was front and center to many of Jesus' daughter, Jesus' transfiguration, and the events in the garden of Gethsemane.  Along with those honors, James was the first of the disciples to be martyred.  He is also the only disciple whose death is noted in the Bible.

Although the New Testament does not give much information on James, he was a man of courage and faith.  As the brother of John, he was also one who did not mind being and working in the shadows.  James is a good example of a person who has experienced Jesus up close and has devoted his life to his savior regardless of his circumstances.

4. John

The disciple John was the brother of James and also a fisherman like his brother.  John is best known for being called "the disciple whom Jesus loved".  John was part of Jesus' inner circle of disciples along with James and Peter.  He is the only disciple present at the crucifixion.  Before His death, Jesus entrusted John to look after His mother Mary.  John was also the first disciple to witness the glory of the empty tomb.

After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, John became one of the leaders of the early church.  He is the writer of the Gospel of John, 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John.  At the end of his life, John was exiled to the island of Patmos where he was given a vision by God.  It was this vision that prompted John to author his fifth and final book of the New Testament, the book of Revelation.

Early on as a follower of Jesus, John was a man of action and ambition.  He was a man with an explosive temper and an intolerant heart, as he even once wanted to burn an entire city for their unbelief.  However, later on in his life, John had become a man of grace and love.  John is a great example of the incredible and powerful transformation which happens as one follows Jesus.

5. Philip

The disciple Philip is mentioned in all the gospel accounts.  Philip is one of the first to have Jesus personally call him to "Follow Me".  Upon hearing the call from Jesus, Philip immediately goes to tell Nathaniel about Jesus.  In the book of John, Philip is portrayed as one who has a deep understanding and knowledge of the Old Testament and the coming of the Messiah.  He tells Nathaniel "we have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write".  In addition to sharing Christ with Nathaniel, John 12 tells us Philip was responsible for bringing many others to Jesus as well showing his missions driven heart.

Philip is known for having a faithful heart, but a skeptical mind.  It is Philip whom Jesus tells to feed the five thousand people who had gathered to hear Jesus speak.  But Philip responds by saying "It would take more than half a year's wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite."

Philip was a man who would always desire to do things for others, although he did not know how they could be done.  However, his faith in Christ allowed him to overcome his skeptical mind.  Philip is a great model of how Jesus can work in us and through us even when we have doubts as long as our faith in Jesus is greater than our doubts.

6. Nathanael

Nathanael, also known as Bartholomew, lived in Cana in Galilee.  He meets Jesus through Philip who takes him to Jesus.  Nathanael has powerful first experience with Jesus.  Nathanael was one of utmost character as Jesus says of him "an Israelite indeed in whom there is no deceit."

Before meeting Jesus, Nathanael is skeptical, however his faith is revealed when Jesus says to him "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you."  Nathanael displays his bold faith by proclaiming that Jesus was truly the King of Israel.

Nathanael becomes a faithful follower after his first meeting with Jesus as he is mentioned in all four lists of the disciples.  In the gospel of John, Nathanael is mentioned with seven other apostles during Jesus' last post-resurrection appearance.

Although not much is written about Nathanael in the Bible, we can still learn a lot from him.  Even though he was skeptical at first, once Nathanael puts his faith in Jesus there was no turning back.  Nathanael is a great example of one who, although may have some doubts, can experience and be used by Jesus in mighty ways.

7. Matthew

Original named Levi, Matthew was a Jewish tax collector from Capernaum.  Matthew's conversion occurs when Jesus approaches his tax collector's booth and calls Matthew to follow Him.  Matthew's prompt response is to leave his booth, his career, his livelihood and follow Jesus.  Immediately after his conversion, Matthew throws a banquet at his home at which many people come to see and hear Jesus.

Matthew was different from most of the disciples as many of them were fisherman.  Matthew, rather than working with nets, worked with a pen in hand.  Therefore, it is appropriate that Matthew is the author of the first Gospel account of Jesus; the Gospel of Matthew.  Since he was Jewish, Matthew's Gospel focuses on Jesus as Israel's King.

As a Jewish tax collector Matthew would have been a very hated man.  He was hated by the Jews for working on the behalf of the Romans and collecting taxes from the Jews who believed they should only give their tithes to God.  and because he was a Jew, he was hated by gentiles as well.  Therefore, Matthew is a great example of how the gospel message is for everyone and Jesus' invitation to follow is extended to all people as well as the correct response to that call.

8. Thomas

The disciple Thomas was a pessimistic but loyal follower of Jesus.  He is best known as "doubting" Thomas (even though the Bible never calls him that) over his suspicions of the risen Jesus.  Thomas is recorded in the list of the disciples, is present in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, and is mentioned individually three times in the Gospels.

One aspect of Thomas' character is revealed when Jesus heads to Bethany upon hearing of Lazarus' death.  Although frightened at the thought of the dangerous journey, Thomas shows his resolve, loyalty, and commitment in John 11:16 by saying "Let us also go, that we may die with Him".

Thomas is best known for his doubts about the resurrection of Jesus.  Since he was not present when the risen Jesus first appears to his disciples, Thomas hears of the resurrection secondhand and is immediately uncertain.  All of his doubts vanish however, when Jesus appears again and asks Thomas to put his fingers in Jesus' wounds on His hands and side.  Thomas vehemently responds to his risen King by saying "My Lord and My God."

Thomas is a great example of how Jesus can overcome any doubt a person may have.  He teaches us that one encounter with God can change anything and anyone.

9. James the Less

The Apostle James, son of Alphaeus, was also known as James the lesser, or James the younger.  This little was to differentiate him from the other disciple also named James who was the brother of John.  The "lesser" title referred to his age, stature and significance.

James the lesser appears in the four listings of the Apostles in the New Testament. However, James the lesser is one of the least known disciples.  His mother was present at the crucifixion, and she was a witness to the empty tomb which denotes James' commitment to Jesus.  James was also present in the upper room after Jesus' ascension into Heaven.

Although little is known about James the lesser, he was handpicked by Jesus and left everything in order to spend the rest of his life serving the Lord.  No doubt, he played a significant role in the starting of the church and the spreading of the gospel.  the fact that there is so little information about him reminds us that we can play a big part in the spreading of God's Kingdom without needing or receiving any recognition.

10. Simon the Zealot

Simon, the Zealot, is one of the least known followers of Jesus.  Simon is mentioned in three places in the Gospels, but only on lists of names.  In the book of Acts, we are told that after the ascension of Jesus, Simon is present with the other apostles in the upper room.  The New Testament does provide much on him personally, except that he was a Zealot.

Although scripture does not tell us much about Simon, based on his Zealot background, we know that previous to following Jesus, Simon was a fanatical, Jewish Nationalist.  He was a man devoted to the Jewish Law, a man with bitter hatred for Romans and for anyone who dared to align with Rome.  He would have been a man who had a heroic disregard toward any suffering he would face for the purity of his faith.

Simon was clearly a man of faith.  Although previous to Jesus he would have expressed that faith with anger and hatred, he is transformed through his following of Jesus to a man with a great love for Jesus and the other disciples.  Simon is a great example of how Jesus can take a person with strong opinions and prejudices and turn them into a person of character and love.

11. Thaddeus (Judas, son of James)

Unlike the other disciples, Thaddeus claimed three different names in the Bible: Thaddeus, Judas (son of James) and Labbaeus.  However, very little is known about the life and ministry of Thaddeus.

Outside of naming him in the lists of the disciples, the New Testament only records one event involving Thaddeus: a question he asks of Jesus during the last supper.  As Jesus is sharing his final thoughts with his disciples Thaddeus asks in John 14:22 "Lord, what then has happened that You are going to disclose Yourself to us and not to the world?"  Jesus answers with one of the most famous verses in the Bible when he say "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him".

Thaddeus, just like all the other disciples, was a committed man who had left everything to follow Jesus.  His question at the last supper is indicative of the fact that he still does not understand how God is going to work out His plan.  However, Thaddeus continues to trust and follow even when he didn't understand.  Thaddeus is a great example of how we are to put our trust and faith in Jesus and continue to follow Him whole heartedly even when we don't understand God's plan fully.

12. Matthias

Matthias was the disciple chosen to replace Judas Iscariot after this betrayal of Jesus and subsequent death.  Speaking before 120 followers of Jesus, Peter admonishes the crowd about the importance of choosing a disciple to replace Judas.  The disciples then cast lots and the lot fell on Mattias.  With a prayer he was chosen to be the replacement.

Although the Bible does not give us any more information about Mattias, there are a few things we know of him.  In Acts 1, Peter tells the believers that the person whom they choose needs to have been a witness to Jesus from the time of His baptism to His death and resurrection.  Therefore, we know that Mattias was a faithful follow of Jesus for the duration of His ministry here on earth.

As one of the twelve disciples, Mattias would most certainly have had a significant role in the establishment of the church and the spreading of the gospel.  Although he is not mentioned again in the Bible after his appointment to replace Judas, there is no doubt that Mattias spent the rest of his life serving the Lord.

Mattias is great example of someone who had been faithful for years as he followed Jesus.  Without his past faithfulness, he would not have had the opportunity to be honored as one of the twelve apostles. Mattias teaches us that we must faithfully follow Jesus always, as we never know what he has planned for us.

<Ref. Pillars at Shepherd Church in Porter Ranch>

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